Personal Training & Fitness Blog

Building a Strong Foundation: The Importance of Stability Training

In the world of fitness, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of bigger muscles, faster times, or more weight lifted. While these goals certainly have their place, there’s one crucial aspect of fitness that often gets overlooked: stability.  Here at Core Results, we believe that stability training is the foundation upon which […]

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Strengthen Your Journey: Combining Strength Training with GLP-1 Weight Loss Drugs

Today, we’re delving into a topic that merges the worlds of strength training and pharmacology: GLP-1 weight loss drugs. Despite the recent hype, GLP-1 drugs by themselves aren’t necessary a magic pill for a healthy lifestyle. We’re going to dive into the intriguing intersection of the importance of exercise (specifically strength training) and GLP-1 inhibitors.  […]

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Why Hiring a Personal Trainer Could Be Your Best Fitness Investment Yet

Are you struggling to stay motivated in your fitness journey? Do you find yourself lost in the sea of conflicting information about exercise and nutrition? If so, you’re not alone. Many people face these challenges when trying to achieve their fitness goals. However, there’s a solution that could make all the difference: hiring a personal […]

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Crafting Your Ideal Strength Training Journey

Discovering a Path That Works for You  JANUARY 3, 2024 BY JAIME NOLANPHOTOGRAPHY BY JONATHAN FREDIN Published in Wake Living Magazine w/Aaron Hornstra, Core Results Personal Training Owner Jaime: Tell me a little bit about how you got started in fitness and why you chose personal training. Aaron: Playing athletics in high school led me to pursuing a degree […]

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The Key To Losing Body Fat While Increasing Strength

I think it’s safe to say, for most people losing body fat and increasing lean muscle is an ideal achievement for overall health and fitness.  The question is how do we accomplish such a feat?  When talking about nutrition, we’ve all heard jokes about the stereotypical personal trainer pushing their clients to eat more and […]

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Start Your Day Off Right!!

I came across this article from Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS of AthleanX and it completely resonated with me.  At Core Results we are all about small changes that have big impacts on our health.  This content is so relevant for us all, I had to share with the Core Results community! Best Morning Routine!!! Start […]

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A personal trainer helping a client with free weights

Discover Top Obstacles of Exercise & How to Overcome Them

The first step to overcoming obstacles of exercise is to identify them. What is keeping you from investing in your health and well-being? Top reasons include not enough time, insufficient energy and lack of drive. Whether you suffer from one or all of the above, with the right guidance and routine, your fitness goals are […]

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Reach Your Weight Loss Goals in 2024 with Individualized Personal Training

With the new year on the horizon, there is no better time to start working a plan towards achieving your weight loss goals for 2024. The first step to success is establishing your weight loss goal. Making Your Weight Loss Goal The number one recommendation from the American Heart Association when it comes to losing […]

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Fitness Monitoring Apps Can Give You a Serious Motivation Boost

Track your fitness and seriously boost your chance of reaching your goals this year with wearable tech and mobile applications that monitor your physical activity. Sure, it’s easy to make a New Year’s Resolution to get fit. The hard part is keeping it. Staying in the game the whole year through can be a challenge […]

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Core Results Personal Training Studio

Power Through Your Day with Regular, Ongoing Exercise

Beat fatigue with regular, ongoing exercise. It may seem counter-intuitive, but research shows the more you move, the more energized you feel. When you work out, your brain releases energy producing endorphins. Here are just a few key findings on the link between increased physical activity and energy levels in those who exercise. Physical activity […]

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