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Personal Trainers: Your Motivation for Success

Weight training with a personal trainer at Core Results

When it comes to fitness, much of what we achieve depends on our mindset. We can all relate to that feeling of not really being in the mood to workout. Unless you know how to shake the inevitable lack of motivation that rears its head from time to time, it will likely result in missed […]

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Corrective Exercise Helps Solve for Widespread Musculoskeletal Pain

When we move incorrectly, we tend to overuse certain muscles and underuse others, resulting in bodily imbalance. You do not necessarily need to be a fitness enthusiast to overuse or underuse a certain muscle. The bodily imbalance that calls for corrective exercise can stem from inactivity just as much as over activity. Bodily Imbalance Is […]

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How Often You Need to Workout for Optimal Results

Why you should choose a personal trainer

Alternating between cardio and strength training exercises helps provide the variety you need for success. When developing an exercise plan, one of the main elements to consider is how often you will be working out as well as the duration of each session. There is no one size fits all solution. How much exercise you […]

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3 Reasons Why You Want to Switch up Your Workout Routine

Personal Training at Core Results in Raleigh NC

Switching up your workout routine not only boosts new muscle growth but also helps keep you in the race for the long run. Let’s face it, we are creatures of habit. Once you find a couple of exercises that you enjoy, it is all too easy to get into a workout groove where you do […]

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Exercise Can Significantly Boost Your Recovery Post Injury

When one area of the body is injured, it is important to strengthen supportive muscles in addition to rebuilding those that have been damaged or weakened from inactivity overtime. With a post injury exercise plan tailored to your needs, personal trainers can help you re-establish full range of motion, strength and flexibility.    The Importance of […]

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Exercise for a Better State of Mind

Mental health impacts more than just our inner sense of well-being. A poor state of mind can wreck havoc on your sleeping habits, lower your immune system and even reduce your ability to manage pain. Behavioral health conditions like anxiety, work induced stress and depression are widespread. According to a 2018 SAMHSA survey, one in […]

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BCAAs Fact or Fiction: What Does the Science Say

Nutrition is the other major component of healthy living. Most fitness enthusiasts achieve the results they are looking for with a well-balanced exercise plan and diet. For serious fitness enthusiasts or those looking for an additional push, supplements can help you reach that next level. Individuals who are dieting to slim down in some areas […]

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The Key to Pain Management: A Stronger Core

A personal trainer helping a client with free weights

It is estimated that up to 20% of U.S. adults experience back pain within the course of a year, and up to 80% of adults experience back pain over the course of their lifetime. Time spent sitting in front of the television, working on the computer, driving in the car and attending class or meetings […]

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Boost Your Workout Performance with Proper Hydration

Drinking enough water during exercise is essential for optimal endurance and strength. Those who are sufficiently hydrated prior to working out, experience less cramping, increased energy levels and even faster muscle recovery. Sounds simple and yet most studies on the subject reveal high rates of dehydration among those who exercise and/or play sports, even among […]

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The Right Kind of Workout Protein Can Help Yield the Results You Want

Most people consume an adequate amount of protein each day. But when it comes to exercise, adding the right type of workout protein to your diet can make all the difference. With so many different workout proteins to choose from, it can be difficult to figure out which type to go with. Workout proteins like […]

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